
The Westlock area in Alberta, inhabited by non-Ukrainians for over 40 years, saw the arrival of Ukrainian settlers in the 1930s. Initially, there was no Orthodox church in the area, so residents attended services in Edmonton. As the number of Orthodox Ukrainians grew, they established a parish in 1956. The first Divine Liturgy was held on February 26, 1956, in an Anglican church by Fr. E. Hrytsyna, then-administrator of the Western Eparchy. The second service took place on March 11, 1956, followed by the founding assembly, which elected the first parish council: Chairman: Yu. Seniuk, Vice-Chairman: D. Luchka, Secretary: M. Kostiv, Treasurer: S. Mahas, Audit Committee: S. Melnyk, I. Hrushka, and Mrs. Anna Kostiv, Senior Brother: O. Hobliak, Sisterhood Leader: Mrs. Maria Yaremko,

Three years later, Fr. Blazhuk became the first resident priest and helped organize the Women’s Society of St. Olga.

In 1956, the decision was made to build a church. On May 3, 1957, construction began, and the first service in the new church was held on the Feast of St. Volodymyr, Sunday, July 28, 1957, coinciding with the 39th anniversary of the revived Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church in Canada.

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GPS Co-ordinates: 54.152538, -113.840362
Cemetery GPS: 54.15168, -113.99616

Affiliation: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada



St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Westlock, AB