Click or tap on the church name below to see a short history, cemetery links and more information on each parish.

2. Ukrainian Catholic Churches (UCC) in Alberta, Canada

St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church – St. Michael
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church – St. Michael

2.1 Calmar – Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.2 Chipman – Nativity of the Mother of God (St. Mary’s) Ukrainian Catholic Church 

2.3 Delph – Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.4 Downing Exaltation of the Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.5 Eldorena – Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.6 Fedorah – Ascension of our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.7 Krakow – Protection of the Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.8 Leeshore – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.9 Limestone Lake – St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.10 Mundare – Siracky Chapel

2.11 Myrnam – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church NEW

2.12 Radway Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.13 Skaro – Exaltation of the Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.14 Smoky Lake (North) – St. Paraskevia Ukrainian Catholic Church  NEW

2.15 Spas Moskalyk – Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.16 St. Michael – St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.17 Star-Peno – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.18 Stry – Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.19 Thorsby – St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.20 Waskatenau Descent of the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Church

2.21 Waugh – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church

Church affiliations and links

UOC = Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
OCA = Orthodox Church of America
UCC = Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton
RGO = Patriarchial Parishes of Russian Orthodox Church in Canada
ROC = Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada 

RCC = Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton